There are so many ways to bring colors and shapes together. I wanted to create a combination that couldn't escape my attention.
I started to experiment with acrylic paint, Chinese ink, silicone, and water. It was interesting to see how these materials merge or came together. A designer often has a goal in mind. He tries to visualize the idea in his head. I create an image that is beyond my control and after seeing the image, I can't get it out of my head. I want to go back every time, to see if anything has changed. The patterns seem to be in constant motion.
It's a reverse way of working. I love the process because I don't have to think about the outcome. I never know exactly what it will be. If there's one thing I'm counting on in this work, it's that coincidence will take me somewhere. It is a road that leads to many destinations. It's like that 90's song "Free your mind and the rest will follow." I wanted to *stop making sense, just like the nineties.